There can be lots of way to choose right career decisions like asking career advise from career expert or get career counselling or search internet for getting any career help.
Being a career adviser I always recommend people to take career decisions after keeping all pros and cons in mind. Do not take any step in hurry. Do not be short sighted and always grab the opportunity that will be beneficial for you in long run. Some offers and opportunities do seem attractive at a time but it may leave you at dead end in the future.
I have prepared this post through my professional experience of career advising. It is comprised of the career mistakes which people normally do but they have no idea about it.
Leaving Job Without Having Other In Hands
It is good that you are seeking new opportunity or you want to get more education but trust me seeking another opportunity or getting higher education at the cost of leaving your current job may jeopardize your entire career. You do not know the future and you are not sure that you will find another job when you will need it. It may create employment gap in resume so the best way of seeking another job is applying different companies and when you get offer, resign from the current job. If you want to pursue higher education then search for weekends classes or distance education setup.
Resigning Without Following The Company's Terms & Condition
Seeking new and better opportunity is your right. No body can stop you to progress so, always resign and leave your previous employer gracefully with fulfilling all terms and condition i.e serving notice period, completing assignments, returning company possessions etc.
If you leave any company badly then it creates a bad impression of you and your ex-employer may report it to your new employer.
Using Fake Documents.
Most of people temper their salary slips to get more hike. Some show fake experience certificates to get job etc. The most common saying is A LIE HAS NO FEET TO STAND UPON so never take the help of FRAUD at your career path because it may help you in present but in future you may get trouble and ruin your career.
Frequent Job Switching
Be consistent and continue your every job at least for 2 years. Frequent job changes leave bad impression to recruiter and they perceive candidate as non-professional and non-serious. If you want to get ACTUAL and VALID exposure then stay at your every job for a longer time period. Too much exposure of different companies but with a lesser period of time does not worth much.
I strongly recommend you to give your self and your new job time to understand new things around you.
Taking Immediate Decisions In New Job
You should always be very careful in your new job. Take your time to adjust and understand your new work environment. It is always a bit difficult to get recognized in new job because there are already too many employees who have their own identities and recognition and you have to built your own identity among them. So never take any negative step like quitting a job, give opinion to anybody or any rule. Sure you face lots of troubles and difficulties in new job like less supportive co-workers, threatening boss, complex work procedures, non-friendly work environment but believe me it will all pass away with the passage of time and you will get adjust it.I strongly recommend you to give your self and your new job time to understand new things around you.
If you have any idea about more common career mistake then do let us know through comment box.
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