It is not possible to cover all career weaknesses in one post. So, we are discussing some common weaknesses here, If you have some other weaknesses then you can ask it solution at comment section.
Frequent Job Changes
No employer wants to waste
his resources on interviewing a person who seems to less persistent and may quit the
job within a short span of time that is why frequent job change is a big black spot
in your resume which can easily be lightened in gray or even in white when you put,
all temporary or contract based job, under one heading.
Experience Gaps
No one has life without ups and
downs. Ups are ok but sometimes downs restricts you to carry on your career and
you have to take break. These breaks mark your resume as experience gap and alerts
your potential employer in a negative way so never forget to write honest but general reason of your experience gap. For eg. Due to accident I had to quit my job and stayed home to heal.
Experience is something which
you gained after years of effort. So what to do when you are applying for your
first job? The solution is simple. Just highlight your volunteer work and
internships in your resume by placing them in prominent slot at paper. Believe me it will serve you as experience.
Over Qualification
If you think over
qualification as a positive point then I am very sorry to say you are
completely wrong. Over qualification is as much negative as an under qualification
can be. Every employer wants to hire the person who is BEST for EXISTING post
at HIS office but sooner or later an over qualified person can seek and find
BEST post for HIM in ANOTHER office and all the resources which were used for
over qualified person, will waste. This reason stops employer to hire over qualified person.
If you think you are going to be over qualified for any job then your resume should present as much as employer asked and cut down any experience or education that is exceeding from employer demand.