Actually career problems have three types
- You
know both the problem and its solution.
- You
know the problem but do not have solution
- You
have stuck at your career path and do not even know the
If you both know the problem and its situation then congratulations!
one day you will get rid of problem but in case of last two situation, you
always need help to solve problem and today we are going to find ONE SOLUTION
for 4 different career problems. let us start with problems and end with
Searching A Job As Fresher
You just have earned your degree. Now, with passion in heart, enthusiasm
in body and awesome marks at your marksheet, you
are looking for a job. You have been getting an
interview call but you are failed to put your hand on job. You must be
wondering that what lacks in you to put step in door? I think I know what lacks
in you. Do you want to get an answer? yes? Then please read the whole post till
end. Your "SOLUTION" is presented at end.
Searching for New Job

Looking For Promotion
You have high spirit with your job. You are satisfied with your
performance and it seems that also your boss has good remarks for your
performance appraisal. You got pay raised but not a promotion? Why? What
caused you stick to the same post? Wait again till end for getting an answer.
Searching Job After Retirement

The solution of all above problem is TRAINING. How?
Simple! Let us address each problem one by one.
Solution for a Fresher
Passion, enthusiasm and good marks are good base
for getting job but if you have zero knowledge about practical field ten
getting job is relatively harder. There is always a gap
between theory and practical but one can easily bridge this gap through
training. You can get this training in form of
internship, apprenticeship or paid training programs that generally, initiated by organization like MTO (manager trainee
officer) or Trainee engineer or doing house job as doctor.
Solution For Job Searcher
Sure, you have vast experience and you had been
outstanding at your career but the time has changed. You have to polish up your
skills with modern technology and up dated procedures of work . Research the
market, get to know what ingredient you are missing and get the TRAINING of it.
Solution For Getting Promotion
You are not getting promotion besides of your
outstanding performance at work? why? Have you any idea? No? Well I have. I
think your next potential designation needs some extra qualification like a
degree or some sort of computer knowledge or you may need to know some other
language. Search the MAIN reason, kill the reason with tool of TRAINING and get
Solution For Retired Person
So you are planning to enter in field again?
Have you got ready all of your career-weapons to compete with youngsters Yes? but Wait! hold down for a minute.
You have neglected some thing. Some thing which is more important and modern.
Yeah its new technology. You have been working on windows 98 or Windows XP. Its
time for windows 7 or windows 8 or some other software has been introduced. You
need TRAINING to compete with young ones in technology battle.
Hope you have found the solution for your career problem. If you think that you have some other career problem or your problem cannot solve through training then you can ask at comment section. We will love to solve your problem. Till then stay tuned for next post.