Monday, July 1, 2013

Understand The Interviewing Process - Read The Recruiters Mind

Interview is a process of exchanging information between the employer and applicant. It is a formal meeting, held to evaluate each other. You cannot get a job offer without facing an interview. This is the reason which makes applicants stressed, nervous and anxious.

If you are like those people who are always afraid of interview then I have a good news for you. You can easily overcome your fear and turn this fear into fun and thrill. How can this miracle happen? so simple! you just need to read the recruiters mind. Yeah yeah I know you are wondering how would you be able to read recruiters mind, specially in a case when you will have to different recruiters of different companies.
Actually, like mathematics, In HR somethings are rigorous and followed by the rules. The only difference between the mathematics and HR is, maths rules are pre-written while HR rules are  unspoken. Same is the case with interviewing process.

Previous posts of this series: 

Understand Recruitment Techniques - Make Your Job Search Strategy Easier

Nearly, all medium and small organizations follow three steps interview procedure. We are going to present their unsaid rules in a table, so that you can understand them better.

Purpose Of Interview
Recruiters Strategy
Your “MUST BE” Strategy
Screening Stage

Not all resumes paint the real picture of applicants and sometimes they are exaggerated that’s why during 1st interview, Interviewer judges the gap between your resume and your actual talent. They conduct interview to check your potential that you described in your resume.

If you are referred by college then your 1st interview is generally conducted at your campus otherwise in company office. At this stage you just have to face one interviewer who might be HR officer or company representative.

Normally recruiters have a pre-defined evaluation form to evaluate the applicants on the same criteria so that all applicants face similar questions which are simple and not so technical.

Be precise in your answers.
Do not talk too much.
Try to show your skills as you presented in your resume but in short and precise manner.
Be energetic.
Be positive.
 Selection Stage

 If you well performed in 1st interview and convinced interviewer that your resume and you are the same things then you will be invited for 2nd interview. At this stage, recruiter wants to know that how much you can be the beneficial for their company.

This is the most crucial stage for your potential job because you may find a panel of interviewer that may consist of your potential colleague, supervisor and hiring manager.

At this time interviewing field is narrower. You might be asked more technical question and evaluate to assess your skills  knowledge and approach according to job needs. Your potential employer wants to know that how likely you would be fit for current job and how much you are competent.

Listen and answer attentively. Show your best interest in job and relate your skills with job demands and needs.
 Final Stage

Your good and satisfactory performance can compel hiring manager to make job offer on the spot or you can be invited for final evaluation.

You will face higher ranking officer(s) at this stage.

Recruiters may try to negotiate on compensation and benefits and persuade you to join their company.

Carefully asses your interest according to job nature.
Understand the compensation package.
Said OK and accept the job. :)

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